Jacques Pouysségur graduated from an Engineering School in Biochemistry of the University of Lyon, where he obtained his PhD in 1972. He spent two years as a post-doctoral scientist at the National Cancer Institute of NIH (USA) and established his own research group in 1978 at the CNRS Biochemistry Centre of the University of Nice. After directing the CNRS Institute of Signalling, Developmental Biology and Cancer, affiliated to the Cancer Centre A. Lacassagne up to 2008, J Pouysségur, joined the Cancer & Aging (IRCAN) in Nice, and later the Biomedical Department of the Scientific Centre of Monaco (CSM). Jacques Pouysségur has previous experience in bacterial and somatic cell genetics, metabolism, Na-H exchanger, pH regulation, MAP kinase signalling in the context of growth control in mammalian cells. In the last 25 years his group developed a strong interest in hypoxia signalling, oxygen, nutrient sensing and Bioenergetics. He is member of AACR, EACR, EMBO, the French and European Academy of Sciences.
Patrícia Rijo has a degree in Chemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), and a Master and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Chemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (FFUL). She is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Health Sciences and Technologies (ECTS) at Universidade Lusófona (ULHT, Lisbon, Portugal) where she is responsible for Organic Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and the international coordinator. The main area of research is medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, and pharmacognosy, with an emphasis on the Chemistry of Natural Products. She is the director of Research and Innovation at CBIOS (Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies at Universidade Lusófona), where she leads the Laboratory of Natural Bioactives (Bio.Natural). She has participated since 2015, in 7 international scientific networks (COST Action and CYTED) and she is currently vice-chair of the COST action CA21145 and has participated in international project evaluation juries (EU, Serbia, Argentina, Chile and France - Agence National de la recherche) in the area of Medicinal Chemistry, specifically in Chemistry of Natural Products. Since 2019, she has the privilege of presiding over the Bio.Natural-Bioactive Natural Products Research Meeting. Patricia Rijo is associate editor of Phytomedicine (Elsevier) and Frontiers in Pharmacology, (specialty section of Ethnopharmacology and Drug Discovery) and Editorial board of -Pharmaceuticals-, Natural Products section, MDPI. Patrícia has published more than 140 articles in international peer-review journals, she is in the - World's Top 2% Scientists list - from Stanford University in 2022 and 2023, and has more than 300 communications (oral and panel) presented at national and international meetings and conferences, and has three registered patents.
Abdulkader Rahmo, PhD, co-founder, President and Chief Scientific Officer of SMSbiotech, holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and a PhD from the University of Southern California (USC), in the field of Biochemistry. He did his postdoc at a major clinical laboratory in Munich, Germany. Former associate professor of biochemistry and medical genetics at the international university for science and technology. He became the cofounder and the medical biotechnology director of the National Commission for Biotechnology, and member of the high council for research in Syria. In 2015, he co-founded SMSbiotech, Inc. based on his research in stem cell biology, he is currently the CSO and president of that company. He has over 30 years’ experience in research and applications and has dedicated the past eleven years to Small Mobile Stem (SMS) cell discovery and development. Working with one of the world’s leading patent firms, he has filed 13 patents related to Small Mobile Stem cell technology. His main scientific interest continues to be in the field of regenerative medicine and age-related diseases.
James Calvert is the Clinical Trials Manager for Oncology and Haematology at Guy’s Hospital in Central London. With over eight years of experience working in research within the NHS, he has specialized in Oncology since 2018. His initial role involved managing the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Research Team at Great Ormond Street Hospital, a tertiary referral centre responsible for delivering studies on a wide range of cancers, including rare diseases. For nearly five years, James has been in his current role, where he has developed a comprehensive understanding of delivering complex clinical trials within a large research service at one of the UK's largest NHS Trusts.
Dr. Imran Hussain is a consultant physician at the National Health Service, specializing in pulmonary diseases. With over twenty years of experience performing bronchoscopy and a decade of expertise in endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), he is highly skilled in diagnosing and managing a wide range of respiratory conditions. He/she leads multidisciplinary teams with a strong attention to detail and a deep commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction. Passionate about advancing pulmonary medicine, Dr. Imran Hussain is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with chronic and acute respiratory issues. Beyond clinical practice, he is actively involved in research, education, and training, contributing to the development of the next generation of pulmonary specialists. Previously, he/she served as the regional training programme director for respiratory medicine, further showcasing his/her dedication to the field.
Catherine Nyogesa is a Clinical and Radiation Oncologist currently practicing at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, with over two decades of experience in managing both inpatient and outpatient cancer patients. As the first female Radiation Oncologist in Kenya, she is a trailblazer in her field. She is an active member of professional organizations, including the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Kenya Society of Hematology and Oncology (KESHO), and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). In addition to her clinical work, she is dedicated to advancing personal and professional development, refining her skills, and addressing challenges within oncology. She is deeply committed to improving accessibility to affordable, high-quality cancer treatment and research. She actively engages in free cancer screening initiatives and works tirelessly to raise awareness about cancer.
Mary L Taub's laboratory investigates the molecular mechanisms by which hormones, growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins and metabolites regulate kidney tubule epithelial cell growth and functional differentiation in vitro. Both primary kidney epithelial cell cultures and established kidney epithelial cell lines are utilized to examine the actions of growth regulatory on the expression of proteins associated with the differentiated state. Included amongst these proteins, are those involved in metabolism, membrane transport, renal disease, growth control, and gene expression. Of particular interest in these regards are primary kidney proximal tubule cells, which are the cell of origin of the renal cell carcinoma.
Tehreem Fatima has her expertise in evaluating cancer treatments and a passion for improving outcomes in oncology. With years of experience in biomedical research, she has contributed to developing innovative strategies for tackling treatment-resistant cancers like glioblastoma. Her research bridges molecular biology and therapeutic applications, focusing on histone deacetylase and DNA repair inhibitors. Tehreem's work aims to pave the way for more effective, personalized cancer treatments.
Dr. Sharon Merims is the Head of the Dermato-oncology clinic at the Sharett institute of Oncology, treating patients with a wide range of skin cancers including melanoma, cutaneous lymphoma and non-melanoma skin cancers such as cSCC, BCC and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Dr. Merims actively promotes collaboration between physicians and researchers, and she is currently working on developing new approaches to treat cutaneous toxicity caused by targeted therapies (such as EGFR inhibitors). To achieve this goal, EMRIS pharma, a start-up, was launched on May 1st 2023 with the NGT HealthCare II incubator. Between 2006-2009, Dr. Merims was a post-doc fellow at the Immunology dept at the University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario Canada, where she led two projects: the Human Translational Project of Adoptive T cell Immunotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients using ex vivo expanded double negative T Cells and a study of a rare subtype of gdT cells and developed a method to expand these unique cells. Dr Merims obtained her M.D from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a Dermatology Resident at the Hadassah Medical Center.
Xavier Taype is a surgery professional dedicated to the study and development of minimally invasive surgical techniques for the treatment of digestive cancer.
Professor Michael Lisanti began his education at New York University, graduating Magna Cum Laude in Chemistry. He obtained his MD-PhD degrees at Cornell University Medical College in Cell Biology and Genetics. From 1992-96, he was a Fellow at the Whitehead Institute at MIT. After several distinguished appointments at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Kimmel Centre, he joined the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Unit in 2012 as Professor of Cancer Biology, at The University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom (UK). Following his appointment to the Kimmel Cancer Centre in 2006, he was selected for the leadership of the Program in Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cancer. In 2009, he became the Chair of the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. He also served as the former Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Pathology. In Manchester, he previously held the Muriel Edith Rickman Chair of Breast Oncology.
Mauro Ferrari is a nanoscientist and leader in the field of nanomedicine. He served as special expert on nanotechnology for the National Cancer Institute (2003-2005) and was instrumental in establishing the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer in 2004. Ferrari has produced more than 350 publications, including seven books and 41 issued patents in the US and Europe. Ferrari's research uses nanotechnology, microtechnology, physical sciences, mathematics, biomechanics, and material sciences to develop new technologies for health care applications like drug delivery and cancer therapeutics. He leads a physical sciences in oncology center, one of a network of centers sponsored by the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Center. The research of this center focuses on understanding the physical and biomechanical biological barriers that reduce the efficacy of cancer therapeutics.He developed a new drug called iNPG-pDox, composed of silicon nanoparticles loaded with polymeric doxorubicin, that had better results at lower doses in animal models compared to standard doxorubicin chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.
Jamal Zekri is a Professor of Medicine at AL-FAISAL University and a Consultant Medical Oncologist, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Prof. Zekri received his higher medical oncology training in the UK where he was certified and practised as a consultant. He moved to Saudi Arabia and was the head of the medical oncology section for 8 years. He acted as the deputy director of the research centre (Jeddah) for 3 years. He is also an active member of the National Cancer Management Guidelines Task Force for Gastrointestinal and Breast Cancers. He is a member of the Africa and Middle East Uro-oncology group and a co-founder of the Red Sea Lung Cancer Group. Prof. Zekri has published 88 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 2 oncology chapters in a book. He presented about 60 abstracts of original research at several international conferences and he is a peer reviewer in many scientific journals.
Abstract: Background: Fertility is a quite important issue for the quality of life of young women with breast cancer (BC). The decision-making process about fertility in these women is complex and might be greatly facilitated through shared decision-making between patients and professionals. Method: A web-based decision aid (DA) was developed from the review of updated scientific evidence. Subsequently, a group of women with a recent diagnosis of BC was invited to review the DA and provide feedback. The participants received an online questionnaire on acceptability and usability, as well as the link to access the web-based DA. Results: Finally, 29 women with BC evaluated the usefulness and acceptability of the DA. The mean age of the participants was 36.48?4.16 years. The DA was rated as useful (55.2%), easy to use (75.9%), visually attractive (48.3%) and entertaining (37.9%). 51.7% of women reported they would use it if they had to make a decision on fertility preservation (FP) treatments. The information contained in the DA was clear (75.9%) and useful for choosing a treatment (51.7%). 62.1% would recommend it, 48% would use it to discuss options with their clinician, and 41.4% reported having learned new things about FP. Conclusion: This DA on FP has been well valued by the participants in different aspects related to acceptability and usability. To improve the potential benefits of DAs, greater efforts are needed to ensure the incorporation of these support resources in the consultations of the professionals in charge of the treatment plans of BC patients.
Jennifer Crowell is the Founder and Managing Director of Evulva, an early-stage virtual health literacy platform aiming to address inequalities in vulvovaginal health through innovative education technologies. Health literacy is a strong predictor of health status. Being able to ask the right questions or understand a diagnosis can often be taken for granted. 4/10 adults in the UK are unable to comprehend and/or act on health information; this increases to 6/10 adults when numeracy skills are required for comprehension. Low health literacy is largely unaddressed by public health or in clinical practice. We are aiming to improve health outcomes with personalised adaptive learning that is culturally representative, trans/queer-inclusive, and meets each user at whatever life stage and literacy level they are at. Jennifer’s passion for solving the health literacy crisis in vulvovaginal health began as a Perinatal Neuroscientist. She has 16 years of experience in non-profit and 5 years as a clinical researcher. She studied an MSc in Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience at The University of Manchester having completed two BAs in Developmental Psychology and Globalization/Urban Studies at Portland State University.
Abstract: Background: The main imaging modalities used to assess female infertility are hysterosalpingography (HSG) and transvaginal ultra-sonography. Hysterosalpingography is widely used to assess tubal patency, and can also be used to guide tubal recanalization. The aim of this study was to compare Spontaneous pregnancy rate after hysterosalpingography (HSG) versus saline infusion sonogram done under high pressure (SIStreat) in women suffering from infertility. Materials Methods: A prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial was done in the period from March 2020 till April 2021 on 183 eligible women recruited from infertility outpatient Clinic of El-shatby University hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Patients were randomized into two main groups; "group A" did HSG and "group B" did conventional SIS. Patient with tubes patent under low pressure were assigned as "group B1" and patients with tubes which are occluded under low pressure were assigned as "group B2" and subjected to SIStreat. The results of tubal patency were observed and recorded in group A and B2, either opened or occluded. All patients were advised to have regular intercourse during the next 6 months of follow up. Pregnancy was diagnosed by serum B-HCG after a missed period and with ultrasonic diagnosis of intact intrauterine gestational sac one week afterwards. Results: out of 93 cases performed HSG (group A), the Number of opened tubes = 79 (84.9%), the Number of occluded tubes = 14 (15.1%) cases and pregnancy rate = 13 (14%) cases. Regarding 71 cases performed SIStreat (group B2), the Number of opened tubes = 62 (87.3%), the Number of occluded tubes = 9 (12.7%) cases and pregnancy rate = 27 (38%) cases. There was no statistical significance difference between the two groups in rate of (opened/ occluded tubes) diagnosis (P = 0.664), but the rate of spontaneous pregnancy after 6 months was statistically significant when compared between both groups (P = <0.001), in favor of the SIStreat group. Conclusion: SIStreat is equal to the conventional HSG in diagnosis of tubal patency. Also, this method increases the rate of post-procedure pregnancy rate more than HSG would do, with the well-known advantages of SIS, such as; no risk of radiation exposure and low cost consumables.
Susan completed her PhD, in pathology, at University College London Medical School in 1990. She continued with post-doctoral cancer research at the same institution until 1995 when she joined Oxford Brookes University as a Senior Lecturer. She continues in her academic role, teaches undergraduates and heads a small cancer research team. Since 2006 she has had a split role, spending half of her time as the University’s Director of Researcher Development, where she develops, oversees and delivers skills training programmes for research students and research-active staff at all levels across the University. She was promoted to Professor in 2016, partly based on her researcher development work. Susan has been the Vitae representative for the South East region since 2017 and is a Vitae Researcher Developer Senior Fellow.
Abstract: Background: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Although traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is commonly used by patients with breast cancer, little is known about TCM prescriptions for breast cancer. This study investigated the effects of a new TCM formula, T33, comprising Radix Kansui, Rheum rhabarbarum, Paeonia lactiflora, Jiangbanxia, and Zhigancao on breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Methods: To evaluate the effects of T33 on human breast cancer, HMEpiC, MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 cells were treated with different concentrations of T33 and then analyzed using MTT and Transwell migration assays. To elucidate the involvement of autophagy in the T33-induced death of MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 cells, immunofluorescence staining with LC3-II-specific antibodies was performed. Tumor xenografts were generated by subcutaneously injecting either MDA-MB231 or MCF-7 cells into BALB/c nude mice to determine the effects of T33 on these cell lines in vivo. Results: The experimental results revealed that 0.1 mg/mL, 0.5 mg/mL, 2.5 mg/mL, 5 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL T33 significantly inhibited the proliferation and invasion of MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 cells. Moreover, significant autophagy was observed in MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 cells in the presence of 2.5 mg/mL, 5 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL T33. An animal study further revealed that both low (200 mg/kg) and high (600 mg/kg) doses of T33 inhibited the proliferation of xenografted breast cancer cells in BALB/c nude mice. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate for the first time that T33 has potential in the treatment of breast cancer owing to its antiproliferative effects and induction of autophagy.
Myra Conway's research focus is on 'Redox Biochemistry, Aging, Neurodegeneration and Biomarker development'. Her research aims to understand how changes in the redox environment can influence the structure/function relationships of proteins under both normal and pathophysiological conditions, in particular proteins with reactive thiol groups. Currently, she is investigating the role of the human branched chain aminotransferase (hBCAT) proteins in glutamate toxicity, a key contributor to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). She is also developing metabolic maps to ascertain key redox partners that regulate brain glutamate metabolism and protein folding and how this can change with age and age-related conditions. These studies also contribute to the development of biomarker profiles, which are designed to distinguish between patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and AD, a much-needed tool in this research area.
Abstract: Aims To assess fertility outcomes of women treated for cervical cancer within a single cancer unit over a ten-year period. Background Majority of women with cervical cancer are of child-bearing age, hence fertility preservation is a key priority. Loss of fertility is identified as a chief psychological burden of young women who have survived gynaecological cancers leading to stress, depression and sexual dysfunction. Methods We identified patients treated for cervical cancer in our cancer unit over a ten-year period (2009 -2019) (n=313) from the gynae cancer database. Patients included in our study (n=82) were those under 45 years of age at point of treatment and with early-stage cervical cancer. Descriptive statistics was used to assess fertility outcomes. Results In those who received chemoradiotherapy (n=19), median age of the women was 35. Approximately 1/3 of the patient cohort were nulliparous at diagnosis (7, 36.84%). 9/19 were referred for discussion about fertility support prior to chemo-radiotherapy. 8/19 had completed their families prior to the cervical cancer treatment. 1/9 was not referred due to patient choice and no records available for 1/19. The second cohort of patients (n=63) underwent surgical intervention. The median age of patients in this cohort was 34. A large majority (47, 74.60%) had fertility sparing surgeries such as Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone (LLETZ) and trachelectomy. In the remainder, 14/16 had discussion around fertility prior to surgery while there was no discussion in 2/16. In this cohort, 17/63 had completed their family. 12/63 have had live births recorded following treatment (19.05%). Conclusions This study highlights the incorporation of fertility discussion and referral as part of the care bundle for young women with cervical cancer in alignment with cancer survivorship and improving cancer outcomes.
Abstract: Background Israel’s pronatalist culture results in a social expectation to have children, driving Israel’s high fertility rate of 2.9. Israel’s health policy reflects this expectation through funding unlimited fertility treatment for up to two children. Societal pressure to have children exacerbates challenges of fertility treatment. Furthermore, the lack of financial burden creates a culture of perseverance following treatment failures. The experiences of Israeli women using fertility treatment have been studied. This study aimed to understand the experiences of English-speaking women who migrated to Israel. Methods This was a qualitative study using interviews to investigate the experiences of 13 English-speaking women who migrated to Israel and utilised Israeli state funded fertility treatment. Data were analysed thematically using Framework analysis. Results Three themes were identified: 1. Systemic factors: The lack of financial burden was positive, however, participants struggled to navigate the bureaucratic healthcare system, especially when experiencing a language barrier. 2. Influence of others: Encountering a cold bedside manner coupled with pronatalist cultural expectations was challenging. Participants utilised support from other migrants who appreciated the culture shock. Understanding of healthcare professionals regarding shared religious values improved treatment experiences. 3. Impact: Participants often withdrew socially and described implications upon their lives. Conclusion Navigating a bureaucratic system and pronatalist culture are difficulties experienced by English speaking migrants receiving fertility treatment in Israel, however, lack of financial burden and understanding of religious and cultural beliefs improved treatment experience. Better provision of English resources and further research into supporting women navigating Israel’s pronatalist culture is needed.
Beatriz Leon Salas is a researcher at the Canary Islands Health Research Foundation (FUNCANIS) linked to the Evaluation Service of the Canary Islands Health Service (SESCS) since 2017. She is an expert in Training Specialists in applied social research and data analysis (CIS). She owns degree in Meta-analysis and systematic reviews: evidence-based decision-making in psychology, medicine and education (UNED) and Expert in Geriatrics and gerontology (ESSSCAN).
Abstract: Phyllodes tumor of the breast is a rare lesion, accounting for less than 1% of all breast tumors, typically seen in women aged 35 to 55 years. They are classified into benign, borderline or malignant on the basis of histological parameters such as mitotic count, cellular atypia, stromal cellularity and overgrowth, and the nature of tumor borders. However, regardless of their histology, all can recur (Stoffel, et. al. 2018). The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the clinical features of phyllodes tumor associated with its pathologic grade and (2) to formulate a clinical diagnostic criterion to differentiate low grade from high grade phyllodes tumor. This is an IRB-approved analytical cross-sectional single institution study of data of patients diagnosed with phyllodes tumor admitted and treated at a tertiary government medical center from the year 2015-2020. A total of 104 patient data gathered. Six patients were excluded initially because they didn’t undergo definitive surgery. From the 98 patients, 84 were analyzed. Fourteen were excluded upon completion of the gathered data: (4) fibroadenoma; (4) incomplete data for analysis (1) had no specimen submitted; (1) carcinosarcoma, (1) cystosarcoma, (1) acinic cell carcinoma & (3) invasive ductal carcinoma. In this cross-section of patients diagnosed with phyllodes tumor, 69% were benign. Among the clinical factors analyzed, tumor adherence to surrounding tissue was the only factor significantly associated with malignancy. However, it is prudent to manage the tumor like a high-grade tumor at diagnosis to ensure good local control.
Alezandra Torres Castano is a researcher at the Canary Islands Health Research Foundation (FUNCANIS) linked to the Evaluation Service of the Canary Islands Health Service (SESCS) and a researcher at the Spanish Network of Technology and Performance Assessment Agencies of the National Health System. Health (RedETS). She also has experience and publications in the use of different digital resources to design interventions and resources that improve the health and well-being of citizens.
Luca Roncati, MD, DMLS, PhD, is the Associate Editor of the European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (EJGO), Medical Executive at the University Hospital of Modena, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy; he is the author of over 250 scientific publications, he has taken part in the work of various national and international research groups, he has organized several conferences of national relevance, he has attended as a speaker at numerous congresses and seminars, he holds the intellectual property of an Italian and international patent for anticancer therapy, and he has obtained various national and supranational awards.
To be updated soon.
Mehmet Akif CIFCI is an educator with over ten-year experience. He is an active researcher and has published several research articles, presented at several conferences. Akif is currently working on projects with the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and he has provided training sessions on image processing, NLP, food safety, and data analyses. He is also a member of IEEE, CMC, and founder member ABV. His academic interests are AI, ML, DL, Image Processing, Digital Forensic, Food safety, and CPS.
Ling-Qun Hu graduated from Zhejiang University School of Medicine in 1984. He was an Internist in China and a Researcher in Canada. In 2001, after his residency training in USA, he became an Anesthesiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He is the Founder and Executive Director of No Pain Labor & Delivery - Global Health Initiative and the Editor-in-Chief of its journal. He has published three books as an author or associate-author and five books as a chief translator or associate-chief translator.
Professor Robert (Rob) Coleman is Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology in the Department of Oncology and Metabolism at the University of Sheffield. He graduated in medicine from Kings College Hospital Medical School in 1978 and trained in London and Edinburgh before moving to Sheffield in 1991 where he was instrumental in developing clinical cancer research in the city and establishing an internationally respected bone oncology research team in Sheffield. Rob has held many leadership roles within the university and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cancer Research Network. Despite recently retiring from his formal position at the university, he remains research active and still leads a number of national and international clinical trials. Since 2014 he has been a part-time Medical Director for the global independent medical education provider, prIME Oncology™, developing and delivering both live and on-line educational activities for oncologists and other providers of cancer care. Professor Coleman is a past-president of the Cancer and Bone Society and the founding editor of “Journal of Bone Oncology”. He has published nearly 450 peer reviewed manuscripts and numerous book chapters. He is also a trustee and deputy chair of the board at St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield and a trustee for the Weston Park Cancer Charity.
After studying general chemistry and biochemistry at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg i.Br. (Germany) I got the PhD in biochemistry from the same university. During my PhD work I was trained in virology, cell- and molecular-biology. During several postdoc positions [Department of Molecular Pathology at the University of Bonn (Germany), Charite Berlin (Germany), Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany)] I received a broad training and knowledge in molecular pathology and cancer research. At the moment I am working in the Department of Molecular Pathology at the ICR (London, UK). I have published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Dr. Alvaro Macieira-Coelho is a Research Director at the French National Institute of Health. He received an M.D. from the University of Lisbon, Portugal and a Ph.D. from the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He became an intern at the University Hospital in Lisbon and was a research associate at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, U.S.A. and at the Department of Cell Biology of the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He became Head of the Department of Cell Pathology at the Cancer Institute in Villejuif, France and was a visiting professor at the University of Linkoping, Sweden. He published 150 papers in professional Journals and nine books on cancer and aging. He received the Fritz Verzar Prize at the University of Vienna, Austria, the Seeds of Science award from the journal CiênciaHoje, and the Career Prize at Lisbon, Portugal, and he is a Dr. Honoris Causa at the University of Linkoping, Sweden and a Johananoff International Visiting Professor at the Mario Negri Institute, Milano, Italy.
Adnan Y. Rojeab is a doctor in electrical engineering, and a university lecturer and researcher. His teaching has been with many Universities, like that of the Queen Mary University of London, University of West London. Where he has supplied the students by his own books according to the syllabus of the teaching subject. As well, he is now working at The London College, U.C.K. He is interested in the area of the aspects of the electromagnetic action on the biological system.
Ming-Shen Dai, MD, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center (NDMC) in Taipei, Taiwan, and serves as an Attending Physician and Director at Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital (TSGH). Dr. Dai has extensive experience as clinical research, trial/study initiator and principal Investigator for many clinical trials, with particular interests in breast cancer metastasis, tumor microenvironment, immunotherapy and biomarker. Dr. Dai has many publications in the field of basic and clinical research regarding breast cancer metastasis/treatment appearing in international journals such as Cancer Research, Journal of Medical Sciences, Journal of Immunotherapy and Breast Cancer Research. He is also a peer reviewer in various scientific medical journals, Scientific report, Thoracic cancer, Supportive care in cancer, Theranostics, and Oncologist
Dr Hadia Moindjie joined Clara Nahmias's laboratory at Gustave Roussy Cancer Research Center (France) in May 2017 as a postdoctoral researcher. Since then, she manages a project entitled “Implication of microtubules associated proteins in chemoresistance of breast and ovarian cancers”. By using multidisciplinary approaches, she worksin the identification of new predictive biomarkers of taxane-based chemotherapy. Before joining Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, she completed her PhD at the Paris Saclay University where she was working on human pregnancy diseases. Dr Moindjie's goal is to combine her two fields of expertises and create her own research laboratory on oncofertility.
Dr. Rodrigo Orozco is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Its field of action is mainly obstetrics focusing on high-risk pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis, and management of malformations and fetal genetic syndromes. He is actively involved in the organization and coordination of training courses for medical specialists in the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) At the hospital level, he is the Chief of Obstetrics and the Obstetric Block of the University Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz, as well as a collaborating Professor of medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Alfonso X University of Madrid. He is a principal investigator and collaborator in several multicentre studies in relation to obstetric care and diseases related to placental insufficiency, mainly preeclampsia. His passion is quality in excellence in the treatment of pregnant women, respect for humanized childbirth and the satisfaction of women throughout the gestational process. He also collaborates regularly with television programs as well as with newspapers and magazines to disseminate health information to the population
Dr Jonas received her Ph.D. in female reproductive endocrinology from University College London and conducted postdoctoral research in the field of gonadotrophin hormone biology, where she pioneered the technical development of the technique photoactivated dye, localization microscopy (PD-PALM) for the visualization of individual cell surface GPCR receptors to <10nm resolution. She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Women and Children’s Health, at King’s College London.
Dr Joo Teoh is a specialist obstetrician & gynaecologist in Perth, Australia. He has completed his subspecialist training in reproductive medicine in Scotland and holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Glasgow for his research in reproductive immunology. He was also the ex-chairperson of the UK Subspecialist Trainees in Reproductive Medicine before relocating to Australia.
Amani is a senior clinical research specialist with extensive experience in clinical research and medical writing. She earned her Master's degree in Public Health/Epidemiology from the Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2007. She is a speaker for many educational workshops and outreach educational programs.
Dr. Roopa Verghese, is a senior consultant obstetrician and gynecologist by profession who went on to do her Masters in Bioethics from Trinity International University, Chicago. After working for 14 years in all over northern India in remote locations under the aegis of Emmanuel Hospital Association she has now shifted to Muthoot Healthcare in rural Kerala as a full time obstetrician and gynecologist. She also has an added responsibility of being the Deputy Medical Superintendent of the Hospital. Being among the first few trained and qualified bioethicist in India she contributes to the pioneering work for the Center for Bioethics as a part time consultant. Presently she as a faculty of TCB along with CMC, Vellore are engaged in setting up the curriculum for the first every post graduate course in bioethics in India. She strives to practice bio ethically relevant obstetrician and gynecology in rural India given the socioeconomically and cultural difference between the countries of her educational and origin. She is a keen activist representing women’s rights on a much wider platform.
Dr. Simon Fishel is Managing Director of the CARE Fertility Group. He is recognized for his pioneering work in IVF (link to ‘CARE Firsts’ on CARE Fertility website), especially in the fields of microinjection for male infertility and preservation of fertility in children with cancer and in developing chromosome screening in IVF using array CGH technology. He has been active in the field for over 30 years, researching at Cambridge with Professor Robert Edwards before the birth of the first IVF baby. He was part of the ‘original team of four’, with Patrick Steptoe, Bob Edwards and John Webster at the world first IVF clinic established in 1980. He has written over 200 scientific articles and edited three books on the subject. Dr. Fishel was awarded a Personal Professorial Chair in Human Reproduction at the University of Nottingham in recognition of his work. In 2009 Simon was honored by Liverpool John Moores University with their highest award of ‘University Fellow’ for “outstanding contribution to science and to humanity”
Mr Y. Afifi has over 25 years of experience in specialised laparoscopic and reproductive surgeries. He has his PhD from the University of Birmingham and obtained extensive specialised training in minimal invasive surgery. He is the director of the Birmingham Endometriosis Centre and lead consultant of the reproductive surgery unit in Birmingham Women’s Hospital. He receives regional and national referral of patients needs a specialised laparoscopic surgery for management of complex endometriosis, infertility, fibroid, recurrent miscarriage and ovarian problems. He introduced ovarian tissue autografting for patients who opt for surgeries to remove their ovaries. The ovarian graft reversed the menopausal state without artificial hormone replacement. The technique was proven to be very successful with excellent patient satisfaction and led the way for the establishment of ovarian tissue freezing. He is the chair of advanced training in the West Midland School and one of a handful of approved national trainers for advanced laparoscopic surgery. He invented a new surgical technique for safe and successful management of corneal ectopic pregnancy. He has also developed a technique of laparoscopic entry to eliminate the associated risk of injury. He is the author of 6 chapters and over 20 publications. He has been an invited speaker of over 50 international and national conferences. He is the director of 8 international courses for hand on training of different surgical skills.
Joyce Harper is Professor of Reproductive Science at University College London in the Institute for Women’s Health where she is head of the Reproductive Health Department, Principal Investigator of the Reproductive Science Group, Director of Education and Director of the Centre for Reproductive Health. She is a Director of the Embryology and PGD Academy which she established with Alpesh Doshi in 2014 and founder of Global Women Connected. She is currently studying the social, legal and ethical aspects of assisted reproductive technologies, from social egg freezing to genome editing.
Chang-Hoon Lee is a professor of Dept. of Korean Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. He graduated from College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University in 1989 and worked as a Korean Medicine Doctor at the military hospital for 3 years. He received training at Kyung Hee University Hospital from 1992 to 1995. In 2005, he received a Ph.D. in Dept. of Clinical Korean Medicine, Graduate School Kyung Hee University. He was appointed Professor at College of Korean Medicine at Kyung Hee University in 2015.
Abstract: Aim: To identify opportunities for ovarian salvage in children undergoing surgery for OL. Method: Retrospective review of patient records for all children undergoing surgery for OL at a tertiary pediatric surgery unit from 2010-2018. Data were collected on clinical presentation, surgical procedure, gynecology involvement, and histopathology. Data are presented as median (range). Binomial logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with ovary-sparing surgery (OSS). Results: 25 girls were identified (age 11 (0–15) years); 16/25 (64%) were emergency cases, 17/25 (68%) were benign teratoma, 7/25 (28%) were simple cysts, 1 had no histology. The local gynecology team was involved in 9/25 (36%) cases. Regression modeling indicated that emergency surgery and histology were not associated with OSS; however, gynecology involvement was significantly associated (OR 28.7 (1.95-420.5), p=0.014). Conclusion: Children with OL are more likely to undergo OSS when gynecology are involved in their management rather than surgeons alone. To maximize the opportunity for ovarian salvage, we recommend that surgeons managing children with OL do so in coordination with the local gynecology team.
Aims: To evaluate compliance of SCCG guidelines to treatments available before hysterectomy.(1,2) Method: a Retrospective cohort study (January 2016 to December 2018) identified all women with benign hysterectomies. Electronic notes, correspondence letters and investigation results were retrieved to collect information on the management of HMB. Results: 131 of the 459 women identified had a hysterectomy for HMB. In 84.7-98.5% of women, treatments were considered (i.e. offered/tried, contraindicated, attempted or patient declined). Undocumented data ranged from 1.5-15.3% across all treatments. 36.6% of women declined Depo-Provera® for concerns over weight gain and irregular bleeding. Conclusions: Hysterectomies in women <40 years were after the failure of all treatments before hysterectomy. Overall, all treatments were well considered as per SCCG recommendations, however, a high proportion particularly Depo-Provera® was declined. I recommend a proforma for treatment options, acting as an aide memoir for clinicians, improving documentation and helping with future audits.
Aim: This study, in order to determine the effect of chewing and fennel tea on intestinal motility after cesarean section. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out at a postpartum clinic of a university hospital in Istanbul. Using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) program, number, mean and percentage calculations, Student's T-test for paired comparisons, One-way analysis of variance in triple comparisons, Correlation and Tukey HSD test was used. Results: In the third group all of the implementations done, gut sounds were heard earlier than other groups and control group, flatus and excretion have come out earlier (p<0,05). Conclusion: Its thought that this study is going to lead the other studies which will ve applied on different patient groups that have more samplings. Because gum chewing and fennel tea increase the intestinal motility after caserean birth, in terms of shortening effect on discharge span and preventing postoperative ileus, they were suggested to implement all together in postoperative routine care.
Anita Grigoriadis is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences at King’s College London (KCL), the School Lead (International) and Training Lead for the CRUK KHP Centre, and holds a guest lecturership at Birkbeck College, University of London. Anita started her scientific career at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), University of Vienna (Austria), pursuing a joint Ph.D. between the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR), London, and Faculty of Natural Sciences, Salzburg (Austria). Her postdoctoral training on breast cancer genomics started at the LICR, and continued with Professor Alan Ashworth at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Centre (London), before joining Professor Andrew Tutt at the Breast Cancer NOW Unit at KCL. Since 2013 Anita leads the KCL Cancer Bioinformatics group, which implements analytical approaches to exploit large complex data sets derived from clinically annotated samples and model systems. Her work focuses on the identification of molecular patterns pathognomonic for DNA damage repair defects, plus their immune microenvironment correlates, mainly in triple negative breast cancers, but also pan-cancer. In parallel, Anita leads the newly formed initiative of “CAncer microBiome ImmuNology Data science” (CABINDA) at KCL, which investigates histomorphological features reflective of local and systemic immune responses, a patient’s resident microbial communities and how the sum of these individual components influence treatment response and disease progression.
Dr Shamley is Director of the Clinical Research Centre at UCT and has a track record of postgraduate student supervision to PhD level, publications and grant success. Key positions include: Head of Physiotherapy at OBU, Deputy Director for Research at OBU, and Deputy Director, Bournemouth CTU. External consultancies include peer reviewing for journals, grant reviewing for the HTA (UK), NRF (SA), Flanders Foundation (Belgium) and EDCTP (EU). As part of her movement towards management in health sciences, she has recently completed an Executive MBA. Her research programme includes proteomics and genomics of latent effects of adjuvant therapy in breast cancer survivors. Dr Shamley is also committed to the development of care pathways for post cancer treatment morbidity, which will provide evidence for the Cancer Survivorship Plan for SA. Her program of research aims to identify those patients at risk and target the treatment programmes accordingly. The REACH program of research intends to contribute to this end and has two main goals:1. To identify risk factors for the development of upper limb morbidity in breast cancer survivors and 2. To develop integrated care pathways for managing Lymphoedema and upper limb pain and disability. She has developed an Early Warning System (EWS) to identify patients at risk of developing complications in response to treatment. The current EWS is based on clinical risk factors and is being used in the UK and Australia. In addition, she has a team exploring potential systemic causes of morbidity by correlating the clinical phenotype of the shoulder after treatment for breast cancer with biomarkers of inflammation and angiogenesis, and their associated genetic variants. Dr Shamley is leading on the Cancer Survivorship Plan for SA. In addition to her research work she is a founding member of the African Clinical Trials Consortium and plays an active role in developing research capacity in collaboration with many other NGO’s.
Miss Salma Naseem: MBBS, FRCS, FEBS, MSc (Breast Evaluation, London), PgDip (OPBS, UK) I work as a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in the UK. As an experienced breast clinician, I enjoy teaching and imparting my knowledge and expertise to others both in the formal and informal settings. Since graduating and obtaining my initial surgical training from Pakistan, I have maintained my links with the teaching hospitals in Karachi. This has created opportunities for me to deliver talks on breast conditions and undertake clinical and operating sessions in the teaching hospitals. Most notably, I am a tutor and an examiner of Intercollegiate MRCS for the Royal College of Surgeons, England, both nationally and Internationally. On a local level, I have extended my expertise in guiding the sixth form students in the preparation for medical university interviews. My enthusiasm in this area led me to publish an article about this subject. Furthermore, in 2015/16, I collaborated with the consultant surgical oncologist at Maadi Military Hospital to help them in the setting up and running of Breast Services in a Military hospital in Cairo, Egypt, based on the UK model with advice to protocol and guidelines. I continued to be engaged in advising on the follow-up pathways for breast cancer patients.
Fiona is a University Research Lecturer at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, NDORMS at the University of Oxford and was appointed as an honorary consultant rheumatologist at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford in 2013. She leads the Clinical Translation theme within the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis. She has a PhD in cartilage biochemistry from Imperial College London, and completed specialist training in rheumatology in West London. She has first class honours degrees for both B.Med.Sci and MBBS from University of Newcastle-Upon Tyne. Her research interest is in the diagnosis, stratification and treatment of osteoarthritis. Fiona sits on a number of steering committees which focus on the treatment of this condition: the James Lind Alliance for Early Osteoarthritis; ACHE (an assessment tool for arthroplasty); HIT (clinical trial in OA, University of Keele). She is Musculoskeletal Disorders Research Advisory Group lead for Arthritis Research UK, and also a clinical spokeswoman for the charity. Fiona won an OARSI Young Investigator award in 2014 and the British Society for Rheumatology's Michael Mason Prize in 2016 for her work on biomarkers of joint injury.
Dr. Kyono graduated from Fukushima Medical College, receiving his MD in 1978 and his PhD in 1984 from in Obstetrics and Gynecology (reproductive biology) in Tohoku University. He was a member of the Tohoku University team that succeeded in producing the first IVF pregnancy and delivery in Japan in 1983. He also succeeded in the first birth following frozen-thawed oocytes by slow freezing in Japan in 2001 and after using vitrified-warmed oocytes in an acute lymphoblastic leukemia patient in 2012. He made a medical clinic with reproductive medicine in Furukawa city in 1995. He has been a President of Kyono ART Clinic in Sendai since 2007, Kyono ART Clinic Takanawa in Tokyo since 2012, and Human OvarianTissue Preservation Enterprise (HOPE) in Tokyo since 2016. He became a visiting professor at Toho University in Tokyo. Dr. Kyono’s long-term research interests include studies on cryopreservation (oocyte, embryo, and ovarian tissue) for fertility preservation, in-vitro maturation for PCOS, preimplantation genetic testing, endometrial receptive array, andrology, and reproductive endocrinology.
Abstract: Maternal-fetal medicine specialists should have a key role in the early diagnosis and prevention of many non-communicable diseases by implementing a framework for patient consultation and interdisciplinary networks. Progress will depend on our ability to successfully increase health literacy of women, to inform health care politicians about early interventions instead of wasting resources for increasing numbers of chronic diseases and finally to improve the communication to health care specialists following women and children after birth.
Dr. Shazia Iqbal is working as Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology & Director of Medical Education at AlFarabi College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She is the course Director for Obstetrics & Gynaecology and communication skills. She is fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP), Associate Member of RCOG. She is masters in medical education from the University of Liverpool, UK. Her primary goal is to deliver the highest possible standards of education to undergraduate MBBS students and postgraduate trainees. She is keenly involved in faculty development and review of curriculum at medical institutions with a special interest in communications skills enhancement and promoting the pedagogical techniques by using educational technologies.
Abstract: Objective: To obtain proper predictive values of uterine artery doppler combined with extreme maternal age (EMA) in prediction of severe preeclampsia (SPE) and Intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). Methods: Observational retrospective study and diagnostic prediction model designed at Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal (INMP) in Peru with participation of 6697 pregnant women between 11 and 40 weeks of gestational age (2009-2016). Reference curves of the percentile uterine artery pulsatility index for each gestational age were constructed using the Royston and Wright exponential distribution method. Logistic regression was used for the multivariate analysis, the ROC curve was performed and the AUC was calculated with the respective 95% CI for each variable separately and combined; were estimated with a p<0.05. Regression coefficients for each variable were obtained with p<0.01 and the odds ratios adjusted with a 95% CI. Results: The AUC for predicting SPE were 0.65 for UP95, 0.60 for EMA and 0.72 for UP95 and EMA combine. For predicting IUGR were 0.65, 0.54 and 0.68 respectively. The sensitivity for SPE with a 10% of false positives were 42% for UP95, 22% for EMA, and 43% for EMA plus UP95 combined. The sensitivity for IUGR with the same false positive rate was 45% for UP95, 10% for EMA, and 45% when using both variables. The adjusted risk of each variable for SPE was UP95 OR=6.1 (95% CI 4.2-9.1) and for EMA OR=3.2 (95% CI 2.3–4.6); for IUGR was respectively 6.2 (95% CI 4.4-8.8) and 2.0 (95% CI 1.4–2.9). Conclusions Certainty diagnostic is better using UP95 and EMA than applying each variable individually in the prediction of SPE and IUGR. Key words: severe preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, pulsatility index of uterine arteries, maternal age, predictive value.
Abstract: Embryo implantation is essential for a successful pregnancy, and an elaborate synchronization between the receptive endometrium and trophoblast is required to achieve this implantation. To increase ‘endometrial receptivity’, the endometrium undergoes transformation processes including responses of adhesion molecules and cellular and molecular cell to cell communication. Many natural substances from traditional herbs have been studied to aid in the achievement of successful implantation, and in this study, decursinol, a major compound extracted from the traditional Korean herbal medicine, Angelica gigas Nakai, was selected as the candidate for analysis. Although A. gigas has been traditionally used to promote healthy pregnancy, whether it has positive effects on embryonic implantation has not been validated. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the contribution of decursinol to the enhancement of endometrial receptivity using the human endometrial implantation medel, Ishikawa cells, and JAr cell spheroids. Decursinol significantly (P < 0.05) increased the expression of important endometrial adhesion molecules such as integrin ?1, ?3, ?5 and L-selectin mRNAs and integrin ?5 and L-selectin in protein, when studied with qRT-PCR and Western blotting. The adhesion rate of JAr spheroids to decursinol treated-Ishikawa cells also increased significantly. Furthermore, decursinol induced an increase in the release of exosomes from Ishikawa cells and decursinol-induced exosomes showed autocrine (to Ishikawa cells) and paracrine (to JAr cells) positive effects on our implantation model. These findings propose that decursinol could serve as a new and alternative solution for patients who are infertile.
The author received an honorable Ph.D. in mathematics and majored in engineering at MIT. He attended different universities over 17 years and studied seven academic disciplines. He has spent 20,000 hours in T2D research. First, he studied six metabolic diseases and food nutrition from 2010 to 2013, then conducted his own diabetes research from 2014 to 2018. His approach is “quantitative medicine” based on mathematics, physics, optical and electronics physics, engineering modeling, signal processing, computer science, big data analytics, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His main focus is on preventive medicine using prediction tools. He believes that the better the prediction, the more control you have
Özlem Gün Eryilmaz has graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and completed her Ph.D. at the age of 26 from Government Hospital of Women’s Health Education and Research Hospital. After 22 years of work and research in government, she works now in Ortadogu Private Hospital in Ankara. For the last 9 years, she is interested in Infertility, Reproductive Medicine, IVF, and Endometriosis. She has over 25 publications that have been cited over 200 times. Related to endometriosis, she had visited the Reproductive Medicine Department of University Collage of London in 2015 and have international certificates.
Gabrielle Harrison completed a Masters degree in 2014 in International Relations, she then worked for various non-governmental organisations and charities including the following issues: HIV/AIDS, environmental issues, women’s education in the developing world and raising awareness of female genital mutilation. She has since returned to education and is studying Medicine, graduating in 2020. Gabrielle’s research interests are broad from FGM, women’s health and refugee health to current patterns in blunt and penetrating trauma. She works locally with vulnerable populations including the homeless and sex workers.
Miss Jun Yu Chen is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Jun recently received BSc First Class with Honours Medical Sciences after completing her intercalated degree in Clinical Medicine (Medical Sciences) specialising in cardiovascular medicine. Jun has been active in research throughout medical school in a wide range of specialities including palliative care, nutrition, respiratory medicine and hypertension. Jun has been active in many medical societies and is currently the president of the Glasgow Anaesthetics Society which holds regular revision events, clinical skills practice and an annual conference attended by students from across the UK. Jun is currently undertaking a summer studentship at the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences in Glasgow, funded by the British Heart Foundation and the Carnegie Trust looking into sodium accumulation in hypertension in animal models and human subjects.